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OBS Studio 29.0.0 Beta 2 测试版发布

作者:OBS中文官网 日期:2022-12-02 人气:1609

Beta 2更改

    1. 修正了QSV对某些/大多数人来说通常无法正常工作(我的错-吉姆)
    2. 修正了QSV甚至没有出现在某些人面前(也是我的错-吉姆)
    3. 修复了Windows上以MJPEG视频格式运行的某些视频设备的颜色空间不正确[jpark37]
    4. 修复了Windows[WizardCM]上全屏投影仪和多视图菜单中的监视器名称


    1. 增加了对Windows上RDNA3 GPU的AMD AV1编码器的支持[AMD/Jim]
    2. 增加了对Windows上Arc GPU的Intel AV1编码器的支持[Inter/Jim]
    3. 注意:CQP可用,但不完全支持
    4. 增加了对Windows上Intel HEVC编码器的支持[yuriy chumak/rcdrone/Jim]
    5. 增加了向上压缩机过滤器[pkv]
    6. 增加了3波段均衡器滤波器[吉姆]
    7. 增加了对macOS上原生HEVC和ProRes编码器的支持,包括P010和HDR[Developer Ecosystem Engineering/PatTheMav/gxalpha]
    8. 增加了对macOS Desk View的支持[开发者生态系统工程]
    9. 增加了选择接收Windows测试版/发布候选版本的更新渠道[Rodney]
    10. 服务器端的一切准备工作仍在进行中,通过内置更新程序进行更新可能要等到OBS 29.0 beta测试阶段的后期才可用
    11. 调整和改进
    12. 重播缓冲区的内存限制现在设置为已安装系统RAM的75%,而不是固定为8GB[Rodney]
    13. 在Linux中添加了媒体密钥支持[kkartaltepe]
    14. NVIDIA视频和音频过滤器的各种改进,包括掩码刷新滑块和对时间处理的支持,这提供了更好的质量掩码[pkv]
    15. 改进了Windows上的显示捕获屏幕命名和保存;无论模式如何,索引现在都应该匹配,重新连接的显示器应该显示正确的监视器[jpark37]
    16. 注意:这意味着在手动配置之前,现有的显示捕获源将为空,以避免显示错误的显示
    17. 增加了对SRT和RIST输出的加密和认证的支持[pkv]
    18. 由于各种问题,macOS 12上的ScreenCaptureKit显示和应用程序捕获被禁用;用户应该更新到macOS 13或使用现有的屏幕捕获源[PatTheMav]
    19. 删除了多视图标签上的自动编号[Warchamp7]
    20. 增加了静音单个浏览器停靠的功能[WizardCM]
    21. 增加了右键单击和“检查”单个浏览器停靠的功能[WizardCM]
    22. 将默认的简单输出NVENC预设更改为P5,以获得更好的兼容性和性能[RytoEX]
    23. 在Windows上的视频捕获设备源中增加了对更高刷新率的支持[WizardCM/EposVox]
    24. 将Apple VT硬件编码器添加到自动配置向导[gxalpha]
    25. 通过直接使用Libva检查设备功能,改进了FFmpeg VA-API启用[tytan652]
    26. UI中的各种次要用户体验/可访问性调整[Warchamp7/cg2121]
    27. 提高了动态比特率在下降后恢复的速度[吉姆]
    28. 现在,使用Windows上的视频捕获设备源[WizardCM/EposVox],大多数捕获卡品牌都可以自动捕获音频
    29. 当选择图像幻灯片放映时,将幻灯片计数器添加到源工具栏[cg221]
    30. 更新了依赖关系,包括切换到Qt 6.4.1,这将解决一些问题[RytoEX/tytan652]


    1. 修复了异步过滤器(如延迟)无法正确渲染的问题[jpark37]
    2. Decklink预览输出的各种性能改进[jpark37]
    3. 修复了删除源时源投影仪窗口无法关闭的问题[cg221]
    4. 修复了Windows[caesay]屏幕截图上光标消失或显示错误的问题
    5. 修复了SVT和AOM AV1编码器的CQP速率控制问题[flaeri]
    6. 修正了使用CQP时AMD HEVC的CQP速率控制问题[faraeri]
    7. 修复了无法与Webex和GoToMeeting一起使用的虚拟摄像头[Jim]
    8. 修复了在AJA Kona HDMI上捕获UHD/4K YUV〔paulh AJA〕

Beta 2 Changes

  • Fixed QSV just generally not working properly for some/most people (my fault -Jim)
  • Fixed QSV not even showing up for some people (also my fault -Jim)
  • Fixed color space being incorrect for some video devices running in MJPEG video format on Windows [jpark37]
  • Fixed monitor names in the Fullscreen Projector & Multiview menus on Windows [WizardCM]


  • Added support for the AMD AV1 Encoder for RDNA3 GPUs on Windows [AMD/Jim]
  • Added support for the Intel AV1 Encoder for Arc GPUs on Windows [Intel/Jim]
    • Note: CQP is available but not fully supported
  • Added support for the Intel HEVC Encoder on Windows [yuriy-chumak/rcdrone/Jim]
  • Added an upward compressor filter [pkv]
  • Added a 3-band equalizer filter [Jim]
  • Added support for native HEVC and ProRes encoders on macOS, including P010 and HDR [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering/PatTheMav/gxalpha]
  • Added support for macOS Desk View [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering]
  • Added update channels for opting into receiving beta/release-candidate builds to Windows [Rodney]
    • Work is still underway to get everything ready on the server side, updating via the built-in updater may not be available until later in the OBS 29.0 beta-testing period

Tweaks and Improvements

  • The Replay Buffer's memory limit is now set to 75% of installed system RAM rather than fixed to 8GB [Rodney]
  • Added media key support in Linux [kkartaltepe]
  • Various improvements to NVIDIA Video and Audio filters, including a Mask Refresh slider and support for temporal processing, which provides better quality masking [pkv]
  • Improved Display Capture screen naming & saving on Windows; indexes should now match regardless of Mode, and reconnected displays should show the correct monitor [jpark37]
    • Note: This does mean existing Display Capture sources will be blank until manually configured, to avoid showing the wrong display
  • Added support for encryption and authentication for SRT and RIST outputs [pkv]
  • Disabled ScreenCaptureKit Display & App capture on macOS 12 due to various issues; users should either update to macOS 13 or use the existing Screen Capture source [PatTheMav]
  • Removed the automatic numbering on Multiview labels [Warchamp7]
  • Added the ability to mute individual browser docks [WizardCM]
  • Added the ability to right click and 'Inspect' individual browser docks [WizardCM]
  • Changed the default Simple Output NVENC preset to P5 for better compatibility & performance [RytoEX]
  • Added support for higher refresh rates in the Video Capture Device source on Windows [WizardCM/EposVox]
  • Added the Apple VT Hardware encoder to the Auto Configuration Wizard [gxalpha]
  • Improved FFmpeg VA-API enablement by directly using Libva to check device capabilities [tytan652]
  • Various minor UX/accessibility tweaks in the UI [Warchamp7/cg2121]
  • Raised the speed at which dynamic bitrate recovers after a drop [Jim]
  • Audio should now be automatically captured for most capture card brands using the Video Capture Device source on Windows [WizardCM/EposVox]
  • Added a slide counter to the Source Toolbar when an Image Slide Show is selected [cg2121]
  • Updated dependencies, including switching to Qt 6.4.1, which should fix a number of issues [RytoEX/tytan652]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with async filters (such as Delay) not rendering correctly [jpark37]
  • Various performance improvements to Decklink preview output [jpark37]
  • Fixed an issue where source Projector windows wouldn’t close when a source was deleted [cg2121]
  • Fixed an issue where cursors would disappear or display incorrectly on screen captures on Windows [caesay]
  • Fixed issues with CQP rate control for SVT and AOM AV1 encoders [flaeri]
  • Fixed issue with CQP rate control for AMD HEVC when using CQP [flaeri]
  • Fixed Virtual Camera not working with Webex and GoToMeeting [Jim]
  • Fixed capturing UHD/4K YUV on the AJA Kona HDMI [paulh-aja]