OBS Studio 30.2.0 正式发布 增加了对多轨视频流的支持
作者:OBS中文官网 日期:2024-07-15 人气:977
30.2 新功能
- 增加了对多轨视频流的支持 [palana]
- 在 Twitch 上,这被称为增强广播。有关更多信息,请参阅:https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/multiple-encodes
- 支持的音频通道配置为立体声或单声道。
- 此功能目前仅适用于 Windows,需要 NVIDIA GTX 900、GTX 10 或 RTX 20 系列 GPU 或更新版本或 AMD RX 6000 系列 GPU 或更新版本。计划支持其他操作系统和 GPU 供应商。
- 启用此功能后,在开始流式传输时,有关您的系统的以下数据将被发送到流式传输服务:
- OBS 版本和音频/视频设置(分辨率、帧速率、音频通道/音轨)
- CPU 信息(名称、速度、核心数)
- GPU 信息(型号、内存、驱动程序版本、设备 ID、供应商 ID)
- 内存信息(可用、总计)
- 操作系统信息(名称、版本、架构、仿真)
- Windows 信息(游戏功能状态:游戏栏、游戏 DVR、游戏模式、硬件加速 GPU 调度)
- 多轨视频设置(最大流媒体带宽、最大视频轨道数)
- 增加了对增强型 RTMP/FLV 多轨音频和视频的支持 [palana/kc5nra]
- 添加“混合 MP4”输出格式(BETA)[derrod]
- 为原生 NVENC 编码器添加了 Linux 支持 [derrod]
- 为 NVENC 编码器添加了 Linux 共享纹理支持 [derrod]
- 为 QuickSync 编码器添加了 Linux 共享纹理支持 [kkartaltepe]
- 为 VA-API 编码器添加了 Linux 共享纹理支持 [nowrep]
- 为 WebRTC 输出添加了 HEVC 支持 [murillo128]
- 添加了可组合主题系统,以简化主题创建、维护并支持未来的自定义选项 [derrod/Warchamp7]
30.2 变更
- 各种 UI 和主题调整 [Warchamp7]
- 场景/组中源的多个实例的音频现在已被重复数据删除 [derrod]
- 重复数据删除是递归的,但不适用于当前正在播放显示/隐藏过渡的组或嵌套场景,这可能会在将来得到修复
- 现在将为当前未加载的插件保留场景集合特定的插件数据 [derrod]
- 隐藏式字幕现已支持 HEVC 和 AV1 [jhnbwrs]
- Qt Fusion 风格现在在 Linux 上始终强制执行 [tytan652]
- 将 PipeWire 窗口/显示捕获合并到统一的“屏幕捕获”源中,以与其他平台保持一致 [tytan652]
- 将“屏幕捕获(XSHM)”重命名为“显示捕获(XSHM)”,以与其他捕获源保持一致 [tytan652]
- 将 macOS 上的默认录制格式设置为碎片化的 MOV [gxalpha]
- 改进的 freetype2 文本源性能 [kkartaltepe]
- 文件打开对话框现在从当前选定文件的目录中启动,而不是默认的 [Warchamp7]
- 将高级输出中的警告移至设置窗口底部,以提高可见性 [GPattenden]
- 纹理编码的各种性能改进 [kkartaltepe]
- 在 NVIDIA 系统上优先使用 NVDEC 解码器 [moocowsheep]
- 支持编码的 DirectShow 源的 NVDEC 解码器 [moocowsheep]
- 用本机实现替换了非纹理 NVENC FFmpeg 后备 [derrod]
- Log 现在包含所有可用的编码器 [Penwy]
- 删除过渡时重置场景项目显示/隐藏过渡的持续时间 [Warchamp7]
- 调整音量计的外观 [Warchamp7]
- 调整多视图边框和标签的外观 [Warchamp7]
- 增加了对仅音频和仅视频 WHIP 输出的支持 [tt2468]
- 将非 macOS OBS Beta 版本中的默认容器从 Fragmented MP4 更改为 Hybrid MP4 [derrod]
30.2 错误修复
- 修复了某些 AV1 编码器未设置数据包优先级的问题,导致输出无法从丢帧中恢复 [derrod]
- 修复了(重新混合)录音中的音频通道布局的各种问题 [pkv/derrod]
- 修复了原生 FLV 复用器 [palana] 的各种问题
- 修复了 RTMP 协议实现的各种问题 [palana]
- 修复 HEVC 和 AVC 解码器配置记录中的小错误 [derrod]
- 修复关闭源属性时更改放弃确认对话框弹出两次的问题 [tytan652]
- 修复了多 GPU 系统上的 QSV AV1 [thyintel/derrod]
- 修复 FFmpeg 输出在未写入文件时错误地检查磁盘空间的问题 [RytoEX]
- 修复了自动配置向导在没有流密钥的情况下无法运行的问题 [mar10iana]
- 使用范围修复文本对齐 [exeldro]
- 修复了输出设置中具有嵌套滚动区域的编码器属性 [derrod]
- 修复使用硬件加速解码时输入视频分辨率发生变化导致崩溃的问题 [tt2468]
- 修复了控制码头上的按钮文本被切断的问题 [powersagitar]
- 修复了过滤器撤消操作显示 UUID 而不是名称的问题 [derrod]
- 修复了并非所有符合条件的 Patreon 支持者都会显示在“关于”对话框中的问题 [Warchamp7]
- 修复复制粘贴显示/隐藏过渡不包括持续时间的问题 [Warchamp7]
- 修复了设置对话框在低分辨率屏幕上被切断的问题 [tytan652/Warchamp7/derrod/RytoEX](是的,这个问题需要四个人才能解决)
- 修复暂停指示器文本堆叠 [Aleksbgbg]
- 修复了高级音频属性中显示已禁用的音频源的问题 [Penwy]
- 修复了通过“视图”菜单启用时网格模式设置不持久的问题 [RytoEX]
- 修复了 CoreAudio 不处理编码器延迟的问题,导致音频延迟 44-48 毫秒 [derrod]
- 修复了 OBS 无法正确处理输出开始时的负音频时间戳的问题,导致 Opus 和 CoreAudio AAC 音频延迟几毫秒 [derrod]
- 修复了当 H.264 不受支持时 VA-API AV1 编码器不可用的问题 [kkartaltepe]
- 修复了 WebRTC 缓冲区大小太小而无法恢复高比特率视频的问题 [Sean-Der]
- 修复了在重命名 [howellrl] 时按 Tab 键重命名多个场景的问题
30.2 New Features
- Added support for Multitrack Video streaming [palana]
- On Twitch, this is known as Enhanced Broadcasting. For more information, see: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/multiple-encodes
- The supported audio channel configurations are stereo or mono.
- This feature is currently only available on Windows and requires an NVIDIA GTX 900, GTX 10, or RTX 20 series GPU or newer or an AMD RX 6000 series GPU or newer. Support for other operating systems and GPU vendors is planned.
- When this feature is enabled, the following data about your system will be sent to the streaming service when starting a stream:
- OBS version and audio/video settings (Resolution, framerate, audio channels/tracks)
- CPU info (Name, speed, core counts)
- GPU info (Model, memory, driver version, device ID, vendor ID)
- Memory info (Free, total)
- OS info (name, version, arch, emulation)
- Windows info (Gaming feature status: Game Bar, Game DVR, Game Mode, Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling)
- Multitrack Video settings (Maximum streaming bandwidth, maximum video tracks)
- Added support for Enhanced RTMP/FLV multi-track audio and video [palana/kc5nra]
- Replaces the old metadata-based "VOD Track"
- Added "Hybrid MP4" output format (BETA) [derrod]
- Combines fault-tolerance of fragmented MP4 with wide compatibility and faster access times of regular MP4. For more information, see: https://obsproject.com/kb/hybrid-mp4
- Supports inserting chapter markers into the file via a hotkey or API. These markers are supported by most video players and editing software, such as DaVinci Resolve
- Added Linux support to the native NVENC encoder [derrod]
- NVENC AV1 is now supported on Linux
- Added Linux shared texture support to the NVENC encoder [derrod]
- Added Linux shared texture support to the QuickSync encoder [kkartaltepe]
- Added Linux shared texture support to the VA-API encoder [nowrep]
- Added HEVC support to WebRTC output [murillo128]
- Added Composable Themes system to simplify theme creation, maintenance, and enable future customization options [derrod/Warchamp7]
- Themes now consist of a base theme and variants that can be switched between in the new "Appearance" settings tab
- Old themes will no longer work and will need to be updated to the new system. See the wiki page for details: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/wiki/OBS-Studio-Theme-System
- The legacy System theme is no longer available. If it was used for accessibility reasons with high contrast, enable high contrast in your operating system settings to re-enable the OBS System Theme. OBS can only detect high contrast on Windows and macOS at this time.
30.2 Changes
- Various UI and Theme tweaks [Warchamp7]
- Audio of multiple instances of a source in a scene/group is now deduplicated [derrod]
- Deduplication is recursive, but does not apply on groups or nested scenes that are currently playing show/hide transitions, this may be fixed in the future
- Scene Collection specific plugin data is now retained for plugins that are not currently loaded [derrod]
- Closed-captions are now supported for HEVC and AV1 [jhnbwrs]
- Qt Fusion style is now always enforced on Linux [tytan652]
- Combined PipeWire window/display capture into unified "Screen Capture" source to align with other platforms [tytan652]
- Renamed "Screen Capture (XSHM)" as "Display Capture (XSHM)" for consistency with other capture sources [tytan652]
- Set default recording format on macOS to fragmented MOV [gxalpha]
- Improved freetype2 text source performance [kkartaltepe]
- File open dialogs now start in the directory of the currently selected file, rather than the default [Warchamp7]
- Moved warnings in advanced output to bottom of settings window for better visibility [GPattenden]
- Various performance improvements for texture encoding [kkartaltepe]
- Prioritize NVDEC decoder on NVIDIA systems [moocowsheep]
- Support NVDEC decoder for encoded DirectShow sources [moocowsheep]
- Replaced non-texture NVENC FFmpeg fallback with native implementation [derrod]
- Log now includes all available encoders [Penwy]
- Reset duration of scene item show/hide transitions when removing the transitions [Warchamp7]
- Adjusted appearance of volume meters [Warchamp7]
- Adjusted appearance of multiview borders and labels [Warchamp7]
- Added support for audio-only and video-only WHIP outputs [tt2468]
- Changed default container in non-macOS OBS Beta builds from Fragmented MP4 to Hybrid MP4 [derrod]
30.2 Bug Fixes
- Fixed packet priority not being set for some AV1 encoders, resulting in outputs never recovering from dropping frames [derrod]
- Fixed various issues with audio channel layouts in (remuxed) recordings [pkv/derrod]
- Fixed various issues with the native FLV muxer [palana]
- Fixed various issues with the RTMP protocol implementation [palana]
- Fixed minor errors in HEVC and AVC decoder configuration records [derrod]
- Fixed change discard confirmation dialog popping up twice when closing source properties [tytan652]
- Fixed QSV AV1 on multi-GPU systems [thyintel/derrod]
- Fixed FFmpeg output erroneously checking disk space when not writing to a file [RytoEX]
- Fixed auto-config wizard not working without a stream key [mar10iana]
- Fixed text alignment with extents [exeldro]
- Fixed encoder properties having nested scroll areas in output settings [derrod]
- Fixed crash if input video resolution changes when using hardware-accelerated decoding [tt2468]
- Fixed button text being cut off in controls dock [powersagitar]
- Fixed undo action for filters showing UUID instead of name [derrod]
- Fixed not all eligible Patreon supporters being shown in the "About" dialogue [Warchamp7]
- Fixed copy-pasting show/hide transitions not including duration [Warchamp7]
- Fixed settings dialog being cut off on low-resolution screens [tytan652/Warchamp7/derrod/RytoEX] (Yes, this one took four people to figure out)
- Fixed paused indicator text stacking [Aleksbgbg]
- Fixed disabled audio sources showing up in advanced audio properties [Penwy]
- Fixed Grid Mode setting not being persisted when enabled through the View menu [RytoEX]
- Fixed CoreAudio not handling encoder delay, resulting in audio being 44-48 ms late [derrod]
- Fixed OBS not handling negative audio timestamps at the start of an output correctly, resulting in Opus and CoreAudio AAC audio being delayed by a few ms [derrod]
- Fixed VA-API AV1 encoder being unavailable if H.264 is unsupported [kkartaltepe]
- Fixed WebRTC buffer size being too small for recovery with high-bitrate video [Sean-Der]
- Fixed renaming multiple scenes when hitting Tab key while renaming [howellrl]