免费NDI工具 | ||||
制作者 | 名称 | 描述 | 链接 | 计算机设备 |
NewTek | NewTek Isocorder DEPRACATED - recording function merged with Studio Monitor | 使用PC记录2个NDI来源 | http://pages.newtek.com/NDI-IsoCorder_Download/ | PC |
NewTek | NDI Studio Monitor | 提供NDI来源的远程查看(在Mac上称为NDI Video Monitor,但没有区别) | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS |
NDI Scan Converter | 与NDI设备共享计算机屏幕 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS | |
NDI Virtual Input | 将可用的NDI源指定为支持网络摄像头的流行软件应用程序的视频输入 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS | |
NDI VLC Plugin | 向流行的开源视频播放器添加NDI功能 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC | |
NDI|HX Driver | 直接从VLC Media Player将视频内容和其他受支持的多媒体作为IP源显示给网络 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS | |
NDI Access Manager | 控制对您的NDI来源的访问 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS | |
NDI Test Patterns | 生成测试图案以校准设备 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC | |
NDI for Adobe® Creative Cloud® | Adobe CC插件可直接通过时间线通过NDI进行IP实时,无渲染播放和预览 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS | |
NDI Import I/O for Adobe CC | 从本地驱动器或使用标准存储系统跨网络将从NDI源捕获和记录的媒体文件导入到Adobe Creative Cloud软件应用程序中 | https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/ | PC, macOS | |
NDI Connect | 使用PC从采集卡发送NDI视频-最多两个带有立体声音频的视频信号 | http://pages.newtek.com/NDI-Connect-Download/ | PC | |
Sienna | NDI Monitor | 提供远程查看NDI来源 | http://www.sienna-tv.com/ndi/freenditools.html | macOS |
NDI Signal Generator | 生成测试图案以校准设备 | http://www.sienna-tv.com/ndi/freenditools.html | macOS | |
NDI Access Manager | 编辑NDI4的系统范围设置 | http://www.sienna-tv.com/ndi/freenditools.html | macOS | |
NDI Scan Converter Lite | 与NDI设备共享计算机屏幕 | http://www.sienna-tv.com/ndi/freenditools.html | macOS | |
vMix | vMix Desktop Capture for NDI | 与NDI设备共享计算机屏幕 | http://cdn.vmix.com/download/vMixDesktopCaptureNDI.zip | PC |
vMix Desktop Capture for NDI | 与NDI设备共享计算机屏幕 | http://cdn.vmix.com/download/vMixDesktopCaptureMacNDI.zip | macOS | |
OBS | Open Broadcaster Software with obs-ndi | 将NDI源像任何传统源一样添加到OBS中,通过NDI传输主程序视图,NDI是一种特殊的OBS过滤器,可将其父OBS源输出到NDI(音频仅适用于视频捕获源,媒体源和VLC源) | https://github.com/Palakis/obs-ndi/releases/tag/4.9.0 | PC, macOS, Ubuntu/ Debian |
ZEN | NDI Drag&Drop Image Viewer | 可以将图像文件拖放到预览窗口上, 以将其作为NDI源输出 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC |
NDI GradBG Colour Gradient Background Generator | 使用可选颜色生成4向渐变填充的图像 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
NDI BugPlayer | 回放图像序列(具有透明度)作为NDI源 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
ZEN NDI RTx | NDI收发器 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
NDI No Audio Meter | 当信号无声音时发出警报 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
NDI Zender | 替代NewTek Connect Pro。 注意:“保留的项目”请参阅http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm#NDIZender | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
NDI Router | NDI矩阵路由切换器 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
NDI Tone Generator | 生成用户可选的频率。 注意:似乎已弃用 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
Dual Dual False Colour Monitor | 从NDI来源生成假彩色图像 | http://www.zenvideo.co.uk/ndi.htm | PC | |
Xsplit NDI FEATURES NO LONGER FREE | Xsplit Broadcaster | 向Internet广播NDI来源 | https://goo.gl/aiTkak | PC |
xsplit Gamecaster | 向Internet广播NDI来源 | https://goo.gl/EttRMk | PC | |
Caspar | CasparCG | 生成广播图形以进行生产 | http://casparcg.com/download.html | PC, Linux |
Autocue | Qstart | 电话提示软件 | http://www.autocue.com/us/shop/software/free-qstart | PC |
Kane | Input Chooser | 路由NDI源 | http://kanelp7.wixsite.com/kanesworld/inputchooser | Web |
Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 4 Media Framework | 该插件使NDI媒体输入流在虚幻引擎4中可用 | https://github.com/ue4plugins/NdiMedia | PC, macOS (untested), Linux (untested) |
Garanin Apps | SRT Streamer | 转换NDI到SRT | https://garaninapps.com/srtstreamer | PC |
RemoteExpert | “将摄像机和台式机流传输到Studio”, “从Studio查看流并进行通话(会议模式)” | https://garaninapps.com/remote_expert | PC | |
NTRStreamer | 转换NDI成RTMP | https://garaninapps.com/ntrstreamer | PC | |
MediaLooks | SDI to NDI converter | SDI到NDI转换器 | https://www.medialooks.com/products/ | PC |
NDI to SDI converter | NDI到SDI转换器 | https://www.medialooks.com/products/ | PC | |
Streampunk | Griandiose | 该模块将允许Node.JS程序通过IP网络查找,接收和发送NDI(tm)视频,音频和元数据流。 | https://github.com/Streampunk/grandiose | PC |
ykhwong | ppt-ndi | PPT NDI通过NewTek发布的NDI技术传输PowerPoint演示文稿。 得益于透明性的支持,它还可以用作字符生成器。 | https://github.com/ykhwong/ppt-ndi | PC |
keijiro | KlakNDI | KlakNDI是一个Unity插件,允许使用NDI在计算机之间共享视频帧。 | https://github.com/keijiro/KlakNDI | PC, macOS, Linux, iOS (limited feature support) |
anome | Unity Video Sender | 插件通过Syphon / Spout / NDI 发送Unity帧 | https://github.com/anome/Unity-plugin | PC, macOS |
ue4plugins | NdiMedia | 用于NDI的Media Framework插件 | https://github.com/ue4plugins/NdiMedia | PC, macOS (untested), Linux (untested) |
Peter Lofas | NDI Studio Clock | 带NDI输出的生产时钟 | http://ndi.lofas.se/?fbclid=IwAR0JfnGyMfn1UsXDyPNE3Ejwq4aw1K82SUymDU0ifQlj1HzIeHYFfeJ9urM | PC |
Miodrag Rechesan | BibleShow Version 5.4 | 用于演示圣经经文的软件解决方案 最多使用四次鼠标单击 | https://bibleshow.net/ | PC |